Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

OK, most of this video is of half my face, but my words are still golden!! ;-)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

So, can running 6 days a week, almost 40 miles, with a 9 mile long run be a BAD training week? You Betcha.......



                                                                    VIDEO EDITION 

Not that any of you really care to watch me train for The Bank Of America Chicago Marathon, this fall, but I thought that maybe, some day, my kids would like to sit down and watch dad do it.

So ever week or so, especially one I REALLY start training, I will be uploading a short video of how things are going, good and/or bad.

So if you have NOTHING better to do, check it out and feel free to send me an email or call The Extra Mile Podcast hot-line and give me your thoughts, advise, or anything else you would like to say.